Toyokawa Inari Shuuki Reitaisai, Toyokawa Inari Autumn Grand Festival AKA Chinza-Sai is a Reitaisai, the most important event of a Shrine, in this case, Toyokawa Inari located in the city of Toyokawa, Aichi Prefecture.
The festival is famous for the lanterns parade which includes the 10-meter tall huge lantern and mikoshi (portable shrine), as well as the selected children processions called ” Chigo Gyuretsu“.
Toyokawa Inari was founded in 1441 by a Buddhist priest named Tōkai Gieki, whose distance predecessor, Kangan Giinhad studied Tantric Buddhism in Song Dynasty, China.
Religious Background
Buddhism and Shinto
November 22nd and 23rd
Dates and functions are subject to change without notice. Be sure to check the latest information in advance.
Toyokawa City, Aichi Prefecture
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